Mithram scheme- Job skill training for Socially deviants

The Department of Social Justice is the nodal agency for monitoring and implementation of various Probation & aftercare programmes for Probationers, Ex-convicts, Dependents of prisoners, Victims of crime/ Dependents of crime victims, Young offenders and Cured mentally ill prisoners. The socially deviants are often stigmatized and marginalized in the society and are unable to get job opportunities to earn a livelihood so they are forced to take up jobs which are socially unacceptable. The persons from broken families are neglected and don’t even receive basic education or life skill training and are likely to indulge in crime related activities. Such target population requires effective psychosocial interventions & support which will in turn reduce the recidivism rate. 

Moreover the crime victims who sustain life threatening injuries will not be able to lead a normal life and earn a steady livelihood. Hence it is essential to provide appropriate rehabilitation for the crime victims as well as their dependents. In order to mainstream such target population, the Department of Social Justice has formulated a noble initiative known as “Mithram” for imparting job skill training which would equip the socially deviants to earn steady income through self-employment or get better job opportunities. 

Aims & Objectives:-

  1. The State Probation Policy 2021 was formulated to strengthen the Social Defence mechanism which visions to build a better crime free society and reduce recidivism.  

  2. To create better job opportunities for the socially deviants and equiping them by providing job skill training so that they can earn a livelihood. 

  3. To ensure rehabilitation of the dependents of prisoners by providing skill training.

  4. To create better job opportunities to the crime victims as well as their dependents by engaging them through self-employment so that they can become financially independent.

  5. Ensure job placements by providing skill development and training.

  6. Provide expertise and training to the unskilled population using the latest technology which will ensure a sustainable income. 

  7. Empowering the women financially by creating self-employment opportunities.

  8. Ensuring socio-economic development of such target groups.   

Target Group

Social Defence


GOs Mithram scheme- Job skill training for Socially deviants
Application Forms Mithram scheme- Job skill training for Socially deviants

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