‘Samanwaya’ continuing education programme for Transgenders

The main problem faced by Transgender community is the high rate of school and college dropouts caused due to social discrimination, financial constraints and lack of family support. Such marginalized groups face severe unemployment due to lack of proper education and social stigma in society.

Being the first State to implement Transgender policy, Kerala has introduced several welfare initiatives for mainstreaming the Transgender community. The Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority (KSLMA) along with Social Justice Department has rolled out a continuing education programme called ‘Samanwaya’ for such target population.

As part of this ‘Samanwaya’ scheme KSLMA conducted a survey and identified 918 transgender persons who expressed their willingness to register under this programme. Out of this 145 community members have registered for Class 4, 7, 10 and higher secondary equivalent courses. Through this scheme the Transgender persons can continue their education which would increase their employment opportunities and help them to get a job and thereby lead a quality life.

Target Group



GOs Samanwaya continuing education programme for Transgenders

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