An Integrated Scheme for Street Children

The objective of this programme is to prevent destitution of children and facilitate their withdrawal from life on the streets.  The programme provides for shelter, nutrition, health care, education, recreation facilities to street children, and seeks to protect them against abuse and exploitation.  The strategy is to develop awareness and provide support to build capacity of the Government, NGOs and the community at large to realize the rights of the child enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and in the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.  

The programme component of a project under this scheme can be:-

  • City level surveys;

  • Documentation of existing facilities and preparation of city level plan of action;

  • Contact programmes offering counseling, guildance and referral services;

  • Establishment of 24 hours drop-in shelters;

  • Non-formal education programmes;

  • Programmes for reintegration of children with their families and placement of destitute children in foster care homes/hostels and residential schools;

  • Programmes for enrollment in schools;

  • Programme for vocational training;

  • Programmes for occupational placement;

  • Programmes for mobilizing preventive health services;

  • Programmes aimed at reducing the incidence of drug and substance abuse, HIV/AIDS etc;

  • Post ICDS/Anganwadi programmes for children beyond six years of age;

  • Programmes for capacity building and for advocacy and awareness building on child rights;

Benefeciaries: The target group of this programme is children without homes and family ties i.e., street children and children especially vulnerable to abuse and exploitation such as children of sex workers and children of pavement dwellers.  Children living in slums and with their parents are excluded from the coverage of this scheme.

How to Avail: State Governments, Local Bodies, Educational Institutions and Voluntary Organisations are eligible for financial assistance under   this programme. Upto 90% of the cost of the project is provided by the Government of India and remaining has to be borne by the Organisation/Institution concerned.  Under the programme, no predefined cost heads are stipulated.  Depending upon the type of activity and the nature of service, an appropriate amount not exceeding Rs. 1.5 million per annum can be sanctioned as recurring cost for each project.  The grant under the programme is released to selected organizations in two equal half yearly instalments.

Target Group


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