Beti Bachao Beti Padao (100% CSS)

The Prime minister launched the Beti Bechao Beti Padhao scheme on 22nd January 2015 at Panipat, an Initiative to address issues that affect women in the longer term and to reverse the trend of an adverse and declining child sex ratio. Beti Bechao Beti Padhao is central sector scheme with 100% financial assistance to the State to empower the girl child and enable her education. This scheme seeks to address the issue of decline in child sex Ratio through a mass campaign across the country targeted at changing societal mind set and creating awareness about the criticality of the issue.


The goal of the scheme: (i) preventing gender biased sex selective elimination (ii) ensuring survival and protection of the girl child and (iii) ensuring education and participation of the girl child. 100 Districts selected in national level and in Kerala Thrissur district selected for piloting this programme.

Target Group



Guidelines Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme

Style Switcher

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