One-Day Homes to provide safe accommodation for women

Social Justice Department has been working collectively with other departments for effective implementation of various women related schemes and strengthening of women empowerment programs. As part of new initiative, Department has devised a scheme to open ‘One-Day Home’ to ensure safe accommodation for women who travel alone and reach the capital for various purposes and can stay there at affordable rates.

Women who come from other places to cities for personal as well as various other purposes such as writing tests, appearing for interviews or attending meetings can stay in the one-day home for a short period. The main objective of the scheme is to provide a safe stay and food at a reasonable rate.

During the initial stage of the project the space available at the 8th floor of the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation building in the heart of the city has been identified for the purpose. The pilot phase of the scheme is being launched as a joint venture between Thiruvananthapuram Corporation and Social Justice Department.

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GOs One-Day Homes to provide safe accommodation for women

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