Second Innings Home project

The Second Innings Home project intends to turn Govt old Age homes into a second innings home as a model state of the art, multi service community age care .The model home will also provide field extension services. The pilot project started in Kannur district by Developing Govt Old Age Home Kannur as model second innings home. The goal of the project is to Improve the quality of life of senior citizens by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and entertainment opportunities.

Project Objectives
(a) Establish Multi Service Community Age Care Centres towards provision of health care, education, legal and psycho-social support and services, reaching  elderly population and their care givers.
(b) To support carers and their families
(c) To conduct public awareness programs and psychosocial activities for creating an enabling environment in elderly care and delays institutionalization. 

Target Group

Senior Citizen

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