Search Office Order by Number/Date/Subject
Sl No. | Order No | Order Date | Subject | Publishing Date |
126 | SJD/2788/2023-PC3 | 04-07-2023 | National Disability Award 2023- Nominations invited | 04/07/2023 |
127 | SJD/800/2023-PC3 | 30-06-2023 | Social Media Campaign- Expression of Interest invited reg | 30/06/2023 |
128 | G.O (P) No 20/2020/SJD | 23-09-2020 | Limited Guardianship- Designating SDM reg | 27/06/2023 |
129 | G.O (P) No 8/2018/SJD | 19-06-2018 | RPWD Act 2016-Expert Committee constituted | 27/06/2023 |
130 | G.O (P) No 2/2018/SJD | 26-01-2018 | RPWD Act 2016- State Advisory Board | 27/06/2023 |
131 | G.O (P) No 75/2018/Home | 03-12-2018 | RPWD Act 2016-Special Courts constituted reg | 27/06/2023 |
132 | G.O (Rt) No 121/2023/SJD | 27-05-2023 | RPWD Act 2016-District level committees reg | 27/06/2023 |
133 | G.O (P) No 1/2023/SJD | 27-05-2023 | RPWD Act 2016- State Advisory Board | 27/06/2023 |
134 | SJD/822/2023-PC3 | 24-06-2023 | State Disability Award 2023- Nomination reg | 26/06/2023 |
135 | SJD/2543/2023-PC3 | 26-06-2023 | Vayosevana Award 2023- Nominations invited | 26/06/2023 |
136 | SJD/244/2023-C1 | 26-06-2023 | Sharing of Contract vehicle with DSJO reg | 26/06/2023 |
137 | SJD/169/2023-C2 | 23-06-2023 | IMG E-governance training- Deputing officials | 24/06/2023 |
138 | SJD?2591/2023-PC3 | 19-06-2023 | International Yoga day observance reg | 19/06/2023 |
139 | SJD/169/2023-C2 | 17-06-2023 | STP Training Programme- Details of staff reg | 19/06/2023 |
140 | SJD/2228/2023 | 14-06-2023 | Tender - Rent vehicle reg. | 16/06/2023 |
141 | SJD/344/2023-C1 | 14-06-2023 | Notification - Transit Home Working reg | 16/06/2023 |
142 | SJD/2045/2022-E7 | 09-06-2023 | Transgender Cell- Various vacancies- Applications called for | 09/06/2023 |
143 | SJD/395/2020-C1 | 05-06-2023 | Probation Home- Expression of Interest-Notification | 06/06/2023 |
144 | SJD/1073/2023-D2 | 31-05-2023 | Punya Bhavan Kozhikode- EOI invited reg | 01/06/2023 |
145 | 17-05-2023 | IMG Training Calendar 2023-24 | 17/05/2023 | |
146 | SJD/1903/2020-AC1 | 15-05-2023 | Audit Pending Paras- File Adalath 2023reg. | 16/05/2023 |
147 | No. 142/2022 /NISH/ADMN | 08-05-2023 | NISH -Notice Inviting Tender for hiring office vehicle | 09/05/2023 |
148 | SJD/1861/2023-C2 | 07-05-2023 | IMG Training- Malayalam computing 2023-24 | 08/05/2023 |
149 | SJD/244/2023-C1 | 03-05-2023 | Contract Vehicle - permission extension reg. | 04/05/2023 |
150 | SJD/244/2023-C1 | 29-04-2023 | Contract vehicle - Tender application reg. | 29/04/2023 |