
Asha Bhavan (Women), Thrissur, Ramavarmapuram P.O. Thrissur, 680631
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Asha Bhavan (Women), Thrissur

Office Type : INSTITUTION | Corporation :Thrissur Corporation
Inmate Category: Mental illness cured person


Institution is meant for the care and protection of mentally cured patients having nobody to look after them. Thrissur Asha Bhavan started  on 30.1.1989 on its own building .Sanctioned strength of inmates is 50 . number of inmates registered now is 75 .A management committee existing with collector ,District Social justice Officer and superintendent  as chairman ,Vice chairman and Convener respectively.

A new building for Ashabhavan is completed at  at Institutional complex ,Pallimoola and Our Dept Minister K  K Sailaja inaugurated this building on May 26 ,2018 .




Sherly E V,(in Charge ) \r\nJS,DSO Thrissur


 Accommodate Mental illness cured Women in institutions

SERVICES Offered in this Office

Category of Inmates  :Women above the age of 13 are accommodated .

Admission Criteria : Those seeking admission should produce a certificate from the mental hospital medical officer showing that they are mentally well. Also admission is available with the order of judicial authority .


Latest News

16/1/20: Our residents observed ANTI DRUG DAY  by taking PLEDGE and wearing Anti drug BADGES

2020 January 19 : Inmates of AMMA,Autism rehabilitation Center,Elthuruth PRESENTED  A DRAMA of their own inmates, for our residents .

XMAS CELEBRATION - 25 th December - RV puram G.V.H.S.S NSS students celebrated their Xmas with our residents


Latest News


No. of Rooms Available : 12
No. of Bed Rooms Available : 6
No of Bath attached Bedrooms : 6
No. of common Bathrooms : 7
No of Toilets : 8
Other facilities :
BPL ration card facility : No
Gas facility : No


Inmate Category : Mental illness cured person
Age Group : 18-70
Aim / Objective :  Accommodate Mental illness cured Women in institutions
Fees / Rent(if any) : 0
Admission Criteria : Category of Inmates  :Women above the age of 13  are accommodated in such institutions. Admission Criteria : Those seeking admission should produce a certificate from a medical officer showing that they are mentally well. If released from an institution, they should produce a certificate or recom

Our Team

Rabiya K I
Superintendent, Welfare Institution Gr. I

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