Indira Gandhi Matritava Sahayog Yojana (60% CSS)

The scheme covers pregnant women of 19 years of age and above for the first two live births.Services under the scheme include conditional cash transfer of Rs. 6000 in two installments. An incentive of Rs.200/- for Anganwadi Worker and Rs.100/- for Anganwadi Helper is being paid per pregnant/ lactating woman. All the beneficiaries should open a savings bank account or Post office account in her name and the Programme Officer will transfer credit the amount to the bank account subject to satisfaction of certain conditions. The Supervisor will prepare the list after ascertaining the conditions fulfilled by the beneficiaries and authenticates the list sent by the Anganwadi Worker. The ICDS Programme Officer is the nodal officer at the District level and the Programme Officer maintains a savings bank account for the purpose.

Target Group

Mother & Child

Style Switcher

12 Predefined Color Skins Top Bar Color Layout Style Patterns for Boxed Version