Women Development Programmes

NIRBHAYA The Social Justice Department of the Government of Kerala formulated the Nirbhaya Policy in 2012 as per G.O. (MS) No. 17/2012 dtd. 13/3/2012. Activities of NirbhayaProgrammeunder Department of Social Justice are aimed at implementing the State Nirbhaya Policy.


1. Objectives a .Prevention of sexual violence against women & children b. Protection of sexual violence victims c. Prosecution of sexual violence perpetrators d Re-integration of sexual violence survivors e. Rehabilitation of sexual violence survivors 2. Strategy a.Community Engagement b .School based Interventions c. Care home management d.IECProgrammes e.NGO Partnership f.Institution based programmes The main thrust of Nirbhaya in the first four years of the twelfth five year plan was on protection activities and certain initiatives on prevention and rehabilitation programmes. Programmes for 2017-18 have been planned with the aim of working towards the goals envisaged in State Nirbhaya Policy. Focus will be on activities to ensuring prevention of sex crimes, providing better protection services to victims with grass root level interventions and community surveillance mechanisms, enabling the victims to emerge as survivors through effective rehabilitation and after care programmes.

Target Group


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